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Turn your blogs into

Create high converting, AI-generated articles in seconds.

Free starter articles

Set up in seconds

No credit card needed

We'll scan your website and generate blog ideas for you as you sign up.

hyperSEO AI generated blog

Trusted by 137+ marketers generating leads from their blogs.

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"In 6 months, we brought in $108,000 of leads and 4x our website traffic.

We published several "Competitor Comparison" blogs — effectively targeting our "in-market" buyers who were comparing our competitors.

If you're serious about revenue, not pointless website traffic — hyperSEO is for you."

Co-founder at VC-backed FinTech - BlueGamma

"I've always struggled getting leads from my blogs."

With hyperSEO, I spun up a few "Competitor Alternative" blogs that ranked quite quickly.

And to my surprise, made 2x more revenue in 4 months with those BOFU blogs — all without a marketing team. "

Solopraneur - 3D Icon Editor

Stop ignoring SEO.

From your last 15 customers, how many found you via organic search?

1? 2? Less than 10, and you're doing something wrong.

With hyperSEO, you'll help the 100s of buyers already looking for your product find you.

Finally, blogs that generate revenue…

B2B SaaS startup in a crowded market?

Get in front of people searching for your competitors — so they buy from you instead.

Target "ready-to-buy" prospects, only with hyperSEO.

The Buyer Journey

CRM Example

SEO vs Paid Ads comparison graph

Tired of useless website traffic?

Your website without hyperSEO

Window shoppers: high traffic but low conversions

Hours spent researching & writing

Saturated top-of-funnel (TOFU) blogs that don't rank

Generic content with no brand awareness

Unnecessary new marketing hires

Your website with hyperSEO

High converting blogs

Automate bottom-of-funnel (BOFU) content planning

Less saturated BOFU content that ranks fast

Target high intent & ready-to-buy searchers

Scale marketing output, without hiring hassle

Grow search traffic, with zero SEO knowledge.

We learned SEO so you don't have to.

Access 13,000+ hours of SEO expertise in one automated blog writing platform.

Discover Topics

Find what your prospects are searching for (before your competitors) so they buy from you instead.

Research Topics

Find out exactly how often your prospects search for your target blogs every month.

URL Idea Generator

Not sure which blogs to target? hyperSEO scans your site to do the thinking and blog writing for you.

AI Images

Spend less time publishing blogs. Generate ready-to-go AI images while you make a cup of tea.

Multi-Language Blogs

2.2B+ Spanish searches happen daily... Reach massive audiences and smash your revenue targets.

Custom CTAs

Create brand awareness in your blogs and convert readers into actual customers.

Keep a human in the loop.

We don't encourage mindless, mass production of unedited junk content.

If that's what you're after, plenty of other AI blog writers do just that.

If we get you 85% there with one click — we're happy.

Why have a website if people can't find you?

8.5 billon searches happen every day.

At least 10 potential customers are looking (but can't find) you right now.

Stop under-resourcing SEO & over-resourcing ads.

SEO vs Paid Ads comparison graph

SEO: an evergreen sales channel.

Trim endless ad spend and finally have customers come to you.

How is hyperSEO better than ChatGPT or Jasper for SEO?

hyperSEO has one clear focus: Search Engine Optimized blogs.

While other tools offer larger (non-specific) feature sets, they’re not finetuned for SEO.

Search engine algorithms are complex and we’re here to simplify them for you.

Yeaaa buddy! Scroll up and sign up.

Once you’ve registered, you'll have 3 free articles to generate for your website.

SEO isn’t a get rich quick scheme. It takes time to see results from organic search.

But done right, it builds a long-term moat vs. your competition.

Six months is typically enough time to (1) rank high, (2) increase search traffic, and (3) convert more customers.

AI-written articles aren't as new as you think, and Google and Bing made it clear they do not penalise AI content!

Not our blogs. While you can smell the AI instantly with other blog writers, that's not the case for us.

We've spent 6 months fine-tuning our prose to make it as human-like as possible.

In fact, we often get "I can't believe this is AI" and we pass most AI detectors with flying colours...

Start writing and increasing your inbound leads for as little as $49 per month on our platform. Our plans scale the more you write.

Without hyperSEO, businesses (on average) spend around:

$1,500 to $5,000 per month on SEO and, $9,813/mo on paid ads.

You’ve scrolled this far.

You’re now morally obliged to give hyperSEO a go…

plus, that’s three blogs you could have written by now, and

that's four searchers that’ve found & picked your competitors instead.

© 2024 hyperSEO

The #1 AI SEO Blog Writer